
fruit erection Learn more about fruit erection

  • Erection technology of passion fruit hanging curtain

    Erection technology of passion fruit hanging curtain

    Erection technology of passion fruit hanging curtain

  • What is a grass fruit?

    What is a grass fruit?

    What is a grass fruit?

  • What is the latest grass and fruit?

    What is the latest grass and fruit?

    The grass and fruit is perennial herb, 2-2.5m high. The root system branches to support the root (actually the stem) and the vegetative root. The so-called supporting root is that the lower part of the main stem is as hypertrophic as ginger, coarse and nodular across the rhizome. The vegetative root is a pink report that grows on both sides and tip of the supporting root.

    2020-11-10 Latest grass fruit what is it grass fruit perennial herb tall
  • Is Phytolacca Americana poisonous? The difference between pokeweed and Phytolacca!

    Is Phytolacca Americana poisonous? The difference between pokeweed and Phytolacca!

    Phytolacca is a kind of medicinal material, its root can be used as medicine after drying, and it has the effect of detumescence and detoxification, while Phytolacca Americana is a kind of Phytolacca acinosa, which is an invasive plant. So is Phytolacca Americana poisonous? What's the difference between pokeweed and Phytolacca? one

    2020-11-09 America Shang Lu is poisonous Mo and is different Lu
  • How to prune apricot trees with initial fruit?

    How to prune apricot trees with initial fruit?

    How to prune apricot trees with initial fruit? The main task of pruning apricot trees is to continue to cultivate backbone branches, cultivate good fruiting branch groups, expand the crown, promote the crown and promote early production. The growth of the first fruit tree is still very large, and three aspects of shaping, crown expansion and fruit should be taken into account when pruning. In pruning.

  • Pruning methods of fruitful Waxberry trees

    Pruning methods of fruitful Waxberry trees

    The fruit trees without shaping were pruned with large branches, sawed off the upper erect branches, crossed branches of the two trees, ground branches in the lower part, dense branches in the crown and overlapping branches. For multiple twigs on a branch, the upper part of the crown should remove the strong branch and leave the weak branch, and the lower part of the crown should remove the weak branch and the strong branch. Sparse the crowded branches on the outside.

  • Introduction and propagation of green balloons hanging on trees

    Introduction and propagation of green balloons hanging on trees

    Introduction and propagation of green balloons hanging on trees

  • Culture skills of winter coral

    Culture skills of winter coral

    Winter coral, perennial woody plant, erect; its plant can reach 40 cm, smooth, leaves alternate, oblong; flowers white, fruit mature red, spherical, more than 1 cm in diameter. Sex is warm and sunny, not cold-resistant; the soil requires loose and fertile soil, good drainage, rich in phosphate fertilizer, so that the fruit for a long time

  • The latest course on High-yield planting techniques of Grass and Fruit

    The latest course on High-yield planting techniques of Grass and Fruit

    Grass fruit is a plant of the genus Cardamom of Zingiberaceae, also known as grass nut, grass fruit. The stems are tufted, up to 3 meters high, the whole plant has a pungent aroma, and the underground part is slightly like ginger. Leaves oblong or oblong, 40-70 cm long, spikes unbranched, 13-18 cm long, Corolla red

    2020-11-10 The latest grass and fruit high yield planting techniques methods tutorials grass fruit are
  • Where is the specialty of chili? What kinds do you have? When are they all on the market?

    Where is the specialty of chili? What kinds do you have? When are they all on the market?

    I don't know since when, Chinese people like spicy food more and more. In China, the planting area of pepper has surpassed that of radish and tomato, second only to Chinese cabbage, and has become the second largest vegetable in China. So where are chili peppers a specialty? What kinds do you have? Points

    2020-11-09 Pepper yes which local specialty species category respectively
  • June crisp pear

    June crisp pear

    1. Variety source: June crisp pear is a very early-maturing and excellent new variety selected from the early-maturing variety Zaocu pear bud variety by the research group of "New Pear Variety breeding" in the Institute of Horticulture, College of Horticulture, Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry. This variety is suitable for the Loess Plateau, Northeast Plain, Yellow River, Yangtze River Basin and other areas. Second, the variety characteristic this variety grows vigorously, the tree posture is erect, the annual branch is erect, stout, reddish brown, the leaf color is green, the leaf edge needle awn-like compound sawtooth is early crisp and obvious. This variety has the advantages of early fruiting, high and stable yield and high quality Qiaohua seedlings.

  • Introduction of High quality Peanut varieties in 2020

    Introduction of High quality Peanut varieties in 2020

    Peanuts are the food that many people eat at home. They have many functions, such as squeezing oil, making peanut butter, cooking, stewing and so on. Therefore, China's high-quality peanut varieties are also divided into many types, high oleic acid peanut, common peanut, pearl bean type.

    2020-11-27 In 2020 quality peanuts varieties introductions yes many people
  • Milk eggplant five generations in the same house golden fruit

    Milk eggplant five generations in the same house golden fruit

    Alias: five generations in the same house, Golden Fruit, Wuzi Baishou Family: the morphological characteristics of evergreen shrubs of Solanaceae: milk eggplant fruit golden yellow, strange shape, flowering and fruit period in summer and autumn is long, especially after falling leaves in winter, because its fruit does not change color, does not dry shrink, chic and attractive. Small erect branched shrub, usually cultivated annual, 0.5m tall, with sparse leaves and waxy yellow flat thorns all over the body. Summer and autumn is the flowering and fruiting stage, the buds often droop before flowering, slightly erect when in full bloom, 5 purple flowers

  • The herringbone erection method is often used in the planting method of discolored melon.

    The herringbone erection method is often used in the planting method of discolored melon.

    The first choice for planting discolored melons is sandy soil with good drainage and irrigation. First, turn deeply, the depth is not lower than 20cm, disinfect, then apply sufficient base fertilizer, remove residual drugs in time, soak seeds and promote germination before sowing, and arrange planting density to dig holes reasonably after germination.

    2020-11-08 Discoloration melon planting method often picking employing people word erection
  • Culture methods of winter coral

    Culture methods of winter coral

    1. Flowerpots and soil. Winter coral culture should choose flowerpots of the right size, loose, fertile and well-drained soil, and some humus fertilizer can be added as base fertilizer. 2. Light and temperature. Winter coral likes a warm and sunny growing environment, and it is suitable for growing at a temperature of between 18 and 25 degrees.

  • High-yield planting techniques of grass and fruit

    High-yield planting techniques of grass and fruit

    High-yield planting techniques of grass and fruit

  • Charm lily (Dutch lily)

    Charm lily (Dutch lily)

    Liliumenchantment morphological characteristics: Liliaceae is a perennial perennial root herb, plant height 40-60 cm. Stem erect, bulb oblate. Leaves lanceolate. Flowers trumpet-shaped, orange, erect upward, petals rolled outward, florescence May-June. Capsule, yellowish brown, fruiting September-October. Habitat distribution: sexual preference for warm and sunny environment, cold tolerance, suitable for growing in loose sandy loam. Reproduce by sowing or dividing bulbs. This plant comes from Holland and Beijing.

  • The method of setting up dragon fruit

    The method of setting up dragon fruit

    The method of setting up dragon fruit

  • Milk eggplant, also known as golden fruit, five-finger eggplant fruit colorful fruit shape beautiful and cultivated for reward

    Milk eggplant, also known as golden fruit, five-finger eggplant fruit colorful fruit shape beautiful and cultivated for reward

    Golden fruit of milk eggplant (Solanaceae) generally refers to milk eggplant (scientific name: Solanum mammosum L.), also known as golden fruit, five-finger eggplant and so on. Erect herbs. Stem pubescent and prickly, branchlets articulate, ca. 1 m tall.

  • Introduction of plum varieties with high quality and high yield

    Introduction of plum varieties with high quality and high yield

    I believe everyone has eaten plums, the sweet and sour taste makes people linger, and different varieties of plums have different tastes, which also allows consumers to choose from many aspects. with the increasing consumer demand for plums, more and more farmers are planting plums.

    2020-11-27 High quality high yield plum variety introduction believe all